Faculty Members

Group Photo

Kanchana. V

Professor & Head of the Department

Office: Academic Block -A, 104

Phone: 040 2301 6702

Email: kanchana@phy.iith.ac.in

Area of Research: Computational Condensed matter physics, Topological materials, Magnetism and superconductivity, Energy Harvesting materials, Spintronic application

Anjan Kumar Giri


Office: Academic Block -A, 407

Phone: 040 2301 6701

Email: giria@phy.iith.ac.in

Area of Research: Understanding the baryon asymmetry of the Universe and to decipher the signals of new physics (BSM) using flavour physics and neutrino physics.

Anupam Gupta

Assistant Professor

Office: C-208/D

Phone: 040 2301 6719

Email: agupta@phy.iith.ac.in

Area of Research: Soft-matter, Biophysics, Complex Systems, Fluid Turbulence.

Anurag Tripathi

Assistant Professor

Office: B-Block, 415

Phone: 040 2301 6713

Email: tripathi@phy.iith.ac.in

Area of Research: Theoretical Particle Physics. Perturbative QCD. Feynman Loop Integral Calculations. Soft and Collinear QCD Resummation. Higgs Phenomenology.

Arabinda Haldar

Assistant Professor

Office: B-Block, 409

Phone: 040 2301 6717

Email: arabinda@phy.iith.ac.in

Area of Research: Magnon spintronics, Nanomagnetic devices, Imaging spin waves at the nanoscale using Brillouin light scattering spectro-microscopy, Ferromagnetic resonance, Thin film nanofabrication (Lithography), Functional magnetic materials.

Bhuvanesh Ramakrishna

Associate Professor

Office: B-Block, 318

Phone: 040 2301 6712

Email: bhuvan@phy.iith.ac.in

Area of Research: Intense Laser Plasma Interaction, Table top accelerators, Nuclear Fusion with Lasers , proton beam therapy.

Joyjit Kundu

Assistant Professor

Office: C-Block, 112/F

Phone: 040 2301 6718

Email: jkundu@phy.iith.ac.in

Area of Research: Statistical physics of condensed matter systems.

Jyoti Ranjan Mohanty

Associate Professor

Office: B-Block, 218

Phone: 040 2301 6709

Email: jmohanty@phy.iith.ac.in

Area of Research: Nanomagnetism, Data Storage,Scanning Probe and X-ray based magnetic imaging,Ferromagnetic semiconductor, Spintronics, Resonant Magnetic scattering, Ultra-fast magnetism and Micromagnetic Simulations.

Kirit Makwana

Assistant Professor

Office: C-Block, 213-A

Phone: 040 2301 6721

Email: kdmakwana@phy.iith.ac.in

Area of Research: Basic plasma physics, space plasmas, plasma astrophysics, magnetic reconnection, plasma turbulence, and numerical simulations.

Manish K. Niranjan

Associate Professor

Office: C-Block, 516

Phone: 040 2301 6705

Email: manish@phy.iith.ac.in

Area of Research: Theoretical condenced matter physics, Computational materials science, Semiconductor heterostructures, Oxide materials and heterostructures, Electron transport in nanostructures.

Mayukh Pahari

Assistant Professor

Office: C-Block, 308/C

Phone: 040 2301 6722

Email: mayukh@phy.iith.ac.in

Area of Research: Black Hole Astrophysics, UV/optical/X-ray Astronomy, Active Galactic Nuclei, Relativistic Simulations.

Narendra Sahu

Associate Professor

Office: C-Block, 402

Phone: 040 2301 6706

Email: nsahu@phy.iith.ac.in

Area of Research: Beyond SM physics, Model building (Neutrino Physics and dark matter), Leptogenesis , Direct, Indirect and Collider Search of Dark Matter.

Nithyanandan Kanagaraj

Assistant Professor

Office: C-Block, 313

Phone: 040 2301 6723

Email: nithyan@phy.iith.ac.in

Area of Research: Theoretical and experimental aspects of Optics & Photonics, Ultrafast Fiber lasers and amplifiers, Machine learning in (Smart) Photonic systems, Complex Photonics and Photonic computing, Nonlinear Dynamics & Integrable Systems, Nonlinear (Fiber) Optics, Optical fiber Communication and Signal Processing.

Prem Pal


Office: Academic Block -A, 410

Phone: 040 2301 6704

Email: prem@phy.iith.ac.in

Area of Research: MEMS & MicroNano System /Microelectronics technology, MEMS & MicroNano System based bio/chemical and mechanical sensors, Polymer MEMS & MicroNano System , RFMEMS & MicroNano System , Thin films for MEMS & MicroNano System , In-situ observation of semiconductor processes.

Priyotosh Bandyopadhyay

Assistant Professor

Office: B-Block, 506

Phone: 040 2301 6716

Email: bpriyo@phy.iith.ac.in

Area of Research: Physics at the LHC, Higgs physics, Supersymmetry.

Raghavendra Srikanth Hundi

Assistant Professor

Office: C-Block, 536

Phone: 040 2301 6710

Email: rshundi@phy.iith.ac.in

Area of Research: Particle physics phenomenology, Beyond standard model, Neutrino masses.

Sai Santosh Kumar Raavi

Associate Professor

Office: B-Block, 301

Phone: 040 2301 6711

Email: sskraavi@phy.iith.ac.in

Area of Research: Ultrafast laser spectroscopy, Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics, Organic Photonics (OLEDs, Detectors) and Organics Photovoltaics (BHJ, Perovskite, DSSC).

Saket Asthana


Office: Academic Block -A, 606

Phone: 040 2301 6703

Email: asthanas@phy.iith.ac.in

Area of Research: Multifunctional oxides, Colossal Magnetoresistive, Spintronic, Multiferroic and Magnetocaloric Materials; Spin crossover Materials, Molecular bistability and Photomagnetism.

Saurabh Sandilya

Assistant Professor

Office: C-Block, 313/A

Phone: 040 2301 6720

Email: saurabh@phy.iith.ac.in

Area of Research: Search for new physics in the rare decays of B-mesons, Development of High Energy Physics Detectors, Member of Belle and Belle II Collaborations.

Shantanu Desai

Associate Professor

Office: C-Block, 414

Phone: 040 2301 6715

Email: shantanud@phy.iith.ac.in

Area of Research: Cosmology, Galaxy Clusters, Pulsar Timing, Gamma-Ray Bursts, Astrostatistics, Data Mining.

Shubho R. Roy

Assistant Professor

Office: C-Block, 533

Phone: 040 2301 6714

Email: sroy@phy.iith.ac.in

Area of Research: Holographic reconstruction of gravity from gauge theory (Gauge-Gravity duality or AdS/CFT), Quantum Aspects of Black holes using D-branes (Matrix theory), 2+1 dimensional gravity, higher spin gravity, Dynamics of non-abelian charged fluids (QGP).

Suryanarayana Jammalamadaka

Associate Professor

Office: C-Block, 513

Phone: 040 2301 6708

Email: surya@phy.iith.ac.in

Area of Research: Magnetic materials, Device physics, Spintronics, Micromagnetic simulations, Data storage, Non volatile memories & Neuromorphic computing.

Vandana Sharma

Associate Professor

Office: C-Block, 432

Phone: 040 2301 6707

Email: vsharma@phy.iith.ac.in

Area of Research: Ultrafast Molecular Dynamics using a combination of Ultrashort laser pulses and Cold Target Recoil Ion Momentum Spectroscopy.